Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Eternal Sunshine

I feel that this movie is a really fun movie. It feels like the creativity in the writers mind come out to play in this movie. I also like the way this movie have been edited. Even though the effect is not so hard to do, I already feel that it is very creative of them. I really like that in this movie they took it in so many settings so it would not going to be bored being in the same setting nearly all through the movie like in "His Girlfriday". I really like the part in the dream that Clementine is with Joel and he became a child again. I think that it is very funny when he was under the table, and crying. I really like that. But this movie is also a bit confusing because I feel like the scene have already been played and they are playing it again, and also I feel like the scene is not in order because it was like showing in one period of time and they jump back and fort through time. I am really confuse when watching this movie.


Whitney B said...

good job!! you did a good job expressing everything that you liked about the movie!

The Jakel said...

I agree with that. The way they show their relationship is very creative. Great way to expressing it

TedK said...

This is one of those movies that I think you should rewatch sometime in the future. It might be fun to watch with your family when your older and going through things you did as a kid.