Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Out of the Past

I would say that this movie, is totally confusing. I do not understand a thing at all. I also see that this movie have a lot of smoking too, and I can't believe that taking a break for them is smoking. I have never seen this kind of movie before, but this movie make me feel sad in a way because in the end nearly everyone die. Even the hero died! That's so sad. So far that I don't even understand the movie, I don't think that I have a favorite part in this movie. As time pass by I don't think that there are this kind of movie came out anymore, because I have never seen one come out into the theather before in my life, and if the movie is a mysterious type of movie, I never seen them smoke, or the hero got kiled. My favorite detective movie would be Conan, I don't know if you know it or not. It is about a teenage detective that one day he got poisoned and he turn into a kid again and he life with a detective family, and he always observe the case and when he surely know who killed the person, he will shoot a one detective to sleep and he will put a speaker to that person's mouth and he would describe the case. I really enjoyed it.

1 comment:

TedK said...

How can you say that you do not have a favorite part! were you gone when that guy knocked out the other guy with a single punch and then answered the phone? I do agree that this movie does have a more complicated plot then some of the others. It was not interesting enough to be have as many complications as it did.