Tuesday, December 11, 2007

The Battle of the Algiers

The story was completely true. Many people really enjoy to watch this movie, because it gives us information and really be able to let the later generation to really see how it was like in the war. So people could get to understand how it was like. They also compare the movie in the present too, they talk that it is quite similar to the war in Iraq. The movie won the film festival, and the movie was studied.

When I was listening to this, they still talk about the war in Iraq and I realize that this war in Iraq was happening for a really long time. It is like 8 years already when the war had begun. I also wondered why people have war and in that war we are helping each other. Like in the movie, they French come down to the village to give the people bread and food to eat when they are fighting each other. Not only that in the Iraq even though American and Iraq are fighting each other they still help each other. So I wondered why if we know how to share and know how to give, why should we have war? Can't there be love between countries? Like right now there are so many organizations and government that wanted to make peace all over the world. They have AFS, EF, and etc. Sending students to all the place all over the world to learn each other cultures. So we would be able to understand each other and love one another. The kings and the queen and the president of nearly every country fly all over the place to meet with the king and queen and president of nearly every country. Getting to know each other. So there would be no more war. It would be such a wonderful world when all the war are stopped and all the country unite and love one another.


TedK said...
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TedK said...

The war in Iraq has only been going on for four years, not 8, but there was some sort of problem back in 1999 or 1998 with Iraq and weapons inspectors. That issue was somewhat resolved before the year ended. As for why we all just can't get along. The world is full of imperialists, morons, criminals and lunatics.