Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Do the Right Thing

When I watch this movie, nothing really hit me, but in the last scene that the riot was happening. That scene really make me realize so many things. I realize that even though this movie had been made such a long time ago. In the present there are still small war like this happening that is related to racists. Like right now there is a small war in the south east Asia that some people don't like the Muslim and now they are bombing the town and killing the innocent people just because they are Muslim. I think that it is really unfair, because all culture teaches us to be good, but how they teach is not always be the same like the other culture. In the movie they showed how black people are treated badly by the white police. I still sees that it is still happening today. Because the color of the skin, and because of how a person look, makes the people look at each other in a different way. Doesn't mean that if you are black, that's means that you are dirty and poor. Or, if you see an Asian, they have a black hair, the color of their skin is not white, but kinda yellow, doesn't mean that they are not as good as the white people. Because they are born like that, they are not the one that decides if they wanted to be black or not. This movie really makes me think about the things around me, and how people treated me because I am different from the other people.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

The Battle of the Algiers

The story was completely true. Many people really enjoy to watch this movie, because it gives us information and really be able to let the later generation to really see how it was like in the war. So people could get to understand how it was like. They also compare the movie in the present too, they talk that it is quite similar to the war in Iraq. The movie won the film festival, and the movie was studied.

When I was listening to this, they still talk about the war in Iraq and I realize that this war in Iraq was happening for a really long time. It is like 8 years already when the war had begun. I also wondered why people have war and in that war we are helping each other. Like in the movie, they French come down to the village to give the people bread and food to eat when they are fighting each other. Not only that in the Iraq even though American and Iraq are fighting each other they still help each other. So I wondered why if we know how to share and know how to give, why should we have war? Can't there be love between countries? Like right now there are so many organizations and government that wanted to make peace all over the world. They have AFS, EF, and etc. Sending students to all the place all over the world to learn each other cultures. So we would be able to understand each other and love one another. The kings and the queen and the president of nearly every country fly all over the place to meet with the king and queen and president of nearly every country. Getting to know each other. So there would be no more war. It would be such a wonderful world when all the war are stopped and all the country unite and love one another.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007


I think that this movie is the least confusing film noir I have watch. I feel glad that not a lot of people died in this movie. I feel quite sad because the good people die, but the not so good people is alive. I also notice that this movie have no sensor. I can't believe the person who have to play as Mrs. Mulwray have to get naked and the movie don't have a sensor and million of people who are watching this movie would see it. How embarrassing!!! How horrible. --" I think that this movie is a nice movie even though the title Chinatown did not involve in the movie much, because the only scene that is in the Chinatown is the last scene and then that's it. But so far, I don't know yet what is my favorite part in the movie, but maybe soon I will figure it out.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Kiss me deadly

I think that this movie is a very, horrible movie because in the scene that a man came into a room where the girl are practicing balley and she always do the same action back and forth, back and forth. Not only that the background music is the same everywhere. Like in the scene that there is a man singing up stair and the volume of the sound is the same all through until the man open the door. I feels that the writer and the director does not really care how the people would like it or not. I feel like they just make a movie and people just watch it and they get the money. I am so sorry that I said that. And as the same I do not understand anything about the movie. Even the Americans themselves is having a problem in understanding the movie. I don't understand why the movie have to make it so complicated. It makes people confuse and soon bored of it. Now I know why this film is no longer be used in the film.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Out of the Past

I would say that this movie, is totally confusing. I do not understand a thing at all. I also see that this movie have a lot of smoking too, and I can't believe that taking a break for them is smoking. I have never seen this kind of movie before, but this movie make me feel sad in a way because in the end nearly everyone die. Even the hero died! That's so sad. So far that I don't even understand the movie, I don't think that I have a favorite part in this movie. As time pass by I don't think that there are this kind of movie came out anymore, because I have never seen one come out into the theather before in my life, and if the movie is a mysterious type of movie, I never seen them smoke, or the hero got kiled. My favorite detective movie would be Conan, I don't know if you know it or not. It is about a teenage detective that one day he got poisoned and he turn into a kid again and he life with a detective family, and he always observe the case and when he surely know who killed the person, he will shoot a one detective to sleep and he will put a speaker to that person's mouth and he would describe the case. I really enjoyed it.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Eternal Sunshine

I feel that this movie is a really fun movie. It feels like the creativity in the writers mind come out to play in this movie. I also like the way this movie have been edited. Even though the effect is not so hard to do, I already feel that it is very creative of them. I really like that in this movie they took it in so many settings so it would not going to be bored being in the same setting nearly all through the movie like in "His Girlfriday". I really like the part in the dream that Clementine is with Joel and he became a child again. I think that it is very funny when he was under the table, and crying. I really like that. But this movie is also a bit confusing because I feel like the scene have already been played and they are playing it again, and also I feel like the scene is not in order because it was like showing in one period of time and they jump back and fort through time. I am really confuse when watching this movie.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

His Girl Friday

I think that this movie is a nice movie. People talk really fast and sometimes I have a hard time understanding them. I think that movie really showed me how it was like when a girl is being loved by two men. This movie doesn't really showed the romantic comedy because most of the part there are no romantic scene. Only the scene toward the end of the movie, is the only romantic part I see so far. I would called it a screwball comedy more. I see that Hildy is a very strong woman that can control people around her. When she is a specific person the way she talk changed. Like when Hildy is with Walter they talk really fast and forcefully, most of the time the way they talk look like they are having a problem. But when she is talking to Bruce, she talk slow and nicely. Hildy also wear a costume that look not so lady like. Like she wear a hat that look like a news reporter hat. This movie really make me feel that love is something that is so difficult to understand. It is also very hard too to maintain the love of someone. May be in the beginning that person loves you, but in the end that person end up marrying the others rather than you. Love is so difficult thing for me. But I like this movie, but the scene towards the end is quite confusing.